Dental Makeovers in Mexico
At out dental clinic in Mexico, we see lots of patients seeking dental makeovers, or complete dental rehabilitation. Because the cost of dentistry in Mexico is so much lower than in the US, people that could barely afford to keep their teeth from completely deteriorating suddenly realize that they can afford an entire set of brand new pearly whites! A dental makeover has the ability to completely transform a person's quality of life.One of the most common question we are asked is whether their dental makeover will look realistic. More specifically, they wonder if the dental crowns that will be fitted over their old teeth will look life-like, or if it will be obvious that they have had dental work done. The answer to this question depends on a number of factors. Firstly, the skill and artistic of the ability comes into play. He or she must prepare your teeth for the crowns in a manner that will allow the crowns to fit and be sized in a realistic manner. Secondly, and most importantly, the type of dental crown chosen for the restorations will determine the overall look of the makeover. Lastly, the skill and artistic ability of the lab technician that fabricates the final crowns will play a big role in the final look.
The most natural-looking crowns available today are Zirconium and E-max crowns. Zirconium is a fantastic new technology that utilizes computer-aided design to craft exacting restorations. Zirconium is an extremely strong synthetic material. Because it is so strong, the crowns can be made much thinner than other types, thereby giving them a more realistic look. E-max crowns are often considered the most realistic option. They are made entirely out of porcelain. This gives them transparency and allows light to pass through, giving them a shine and glisten that usually you would only find on a natural tooth.
The dental laboratory that creates the crowns based on the molds taken by your cosmetic dentist play a huge role in your final look. An experienced technician will be able to create life-like shapes and keep the crowns from appearing too-bulky. This is way it is important that you choose a cosmetic dentist that is affiliated with a respected and experienced lab. Many people are under the false impression that the dentist and their immediate staff are responsible for creating your crowns, but this is not the case, except in very rare cases. It is worthwhile to ask your dentist for a sample of before-and-after pictures of the work that their lab has completed for them. Finding a strong-minded, independent dentist that is willing to reject substandard work from their lab is very important.
There are some other factors that contribute to creating a fantastic-looking smile makeover. Having all of your teeth treated at the same time can be an important factor. If the lab is able to create all of the crowns based on mold, rather than multiple molds taken at different times, they will be able to visualize the overall look of your smile and be able to design your crowns based on minute details that only come into focus when your smile is taken into consideration as a whole.
We are a full service clinic and offer the full range of dental
procedures. Our dentists and endodontists are experienced in the full
scope of the most modern dental treatments and interventions. They
utilize the latest and most modern tools to perform these procedures. If
you are in need of a procedure that we are not able to confidently
perform, we will refer you to a clinic that can.
For more detailed information on some of our specific treatments, click the links below.
For more detailed information on some of our specific treatments, click the links below.
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